Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home Security Clock Camera to Protect Your Child Against Abuse

Child abuse is simply defined as hurting (physical, verbal, sexual and emotional) or neglecting a child. If you are a working parent, you want to protect your child and make sure he is free from harm even if you're not physically present to take care of him.

Abuse may cause serious injury to the child or worst, it may even result to death. Did you know that there are thousands of reported child abuse cases every month in the United States alone? And that's just what we know of. What about those poor unreported cases?

Don't feel helpless because there's something you can definitely do to prevent and stop this. A home security clock camera is what you need so you can be at peace knowing that you can monitor what's happening in your home whenever you want to.

A home security clock camera is great for protecting your home and your child while he is at someone else's care. It's not about whether you trust the nanny or not, the point here is that you want to make sure that your child is provided the care he deserves and he is not being mistreated.

We always wish that we can take care of our children, nothing can ever be equal to a parent's love and care but sometimes it's inevitable that work gets in the way. It's always a challenge to find quality, trustworthy and reliable child care to act as the parents' extended hand. There are numerous things to ponder when finding a suitable alternative and our number one concern is our children's safety at all times.

This is the reason why a home security clock camera is your best bet. The nanny will never have a clue that there's a camera hidden in the clock. Depending on your state laws, you have an obligation to tell the nanny that there are cameras installed around the house.

It's human nature, when we know we are being watched, we are more careful with our actions. This is truly an effective way in preventing child abuse and neglect. You are already stopping it and it's not even happening yet.

Don't wait until you suspect that something is not quite right with your child. The moment you decide to hire a nanny or a babysitter, you should also act quickly to purchase the best home security clock camera. No they're really not that expensive for their purpose. If you ask me, I'm willing to shell out any amount just to make sure that my child is being taken cared of even if I'm not beside him. I want to be certain that nobody is hurting my child.

You can strategically put the home security clock camera in your child's room or in his playroom. Other parents choose to install or put up multiple cameras in different areas of the house such as the living room, bed room, kitchen, play area and even the yard. Make sure you purchase software which will allow you to view multiple camera views on your computer screen.

Source : Ezinearticles

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