Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tips For Flower Photography

The main tip that you need to know is the focus, where and what you are going to focus on. Is your focus would be on the flower, petals, stamen. This you need to sort out before you start up taking the photos. After knowing your subject to be focused, now you can determine how to get your subject, how to focus. If you are going to use the autofocus camera, then set your camera at the spot focus. While using the option of spot focus you will get sharp closer image. Most of the cameras have the setting of taking close up photography. Here the camera is optimizing shutter speed and the aperture to achieve a good close up. Set the flower away from the background, so that it would not blend it in the background.

To achieve the sharper image your camera must be very still, you do not know as any movement would mortify a sharpness of your image. So the best thing to use here is the tripod. A tripod would simply reduce any movement of the camera. So this would solve the movement of your camera, now we need to think about the subject or the flower movement.

The movement of your subject is very difficult to control than the movement of your camera. The only solution you have here is to have some patience. You can wait till the time wind gets stopped. Or you can use the object which can help you to block the movement around the subject, for example you can use cardboard piece. So you can choose the contrasting color which can also help you to give a nice background to your picture. Do not use distracting color and see the difference.

The other important tip which you need to know is the light. Natural light can be the best option. But this can also cause hard shadows, so the best light would be on overcast day, as the light would be uniformed and there would not be any reflections. So if you will use the auto focus that would give you a good photo. Also if you are not lucky enough to get the light, than on the sunny day you can have few tips. For example if the flower is located in the direct sunlight, than obviously you cannot wait till evening. So just provide shade to flower by someone holding a scarf.

Source : Ezinearticles

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