Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tattoos on Women - Celebrity Tattoos Can Be a Guide

While many women want a tattoo simply as a decoration there are a number who want their tattoo to mean something. It may be to remember an important event in their lives or to send a message or simply to express their personality. Whatever the motivation, Celebrity tattoos can help with our choices.

For example, Christina Aguilera has a message in Hebrew on the inside of her left forearm: "I am to my beloved what my beloved is to me". Mind you, she has a number of other tattoos on her, which may or may not have any meaning. Victoria Beckham has chosen a similar quotation in Hebrew: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine, who browses among the lilies", which is taken from the book of Solomon. The tattoo is plain to see, running down her backbone. On Megan Fox's left rib cage are the words "there once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART". There is also a well-known tattoo on the back of her shoulder, which says, "We will all laugh at gilded butterflies" - a quote from Shakespeare's King Lear.

Some tattoos certainly sum up a person's attitude to life. Lindsay Lohan's "La Bella Vita" on the top of her right buttock seems appropriate. Pink has something to say with "what goes around comes around" on her wrist. Jenna Jameson, who is a model and adult film star, has HEART BREAKER on her buttock. We probably cannot argue with that.

I do not know how wise it is to remember lovers in tattoos. It could get out of hand. Heather Locklear has "RICHIE SAMBORA", the name of her ex-husband, on her groin and "FINCH" on her leg. Others have done similar things - American TV personality Brooke Burke has her ex-husband's name on her right foot while actress Denise Richards has her's on the outside of her right ankle. Desperate Housewives Eva Longoria remembers her husband, a San Antonio Spur, with the word "Nine" on the back of her neck, which is the number of his jersey. Heidi Klum, supermodel, has her husband's name and three stars for her three children.

No doubt there are many more tattoos done in the name of love. Of course it could be just a way to recall fond memories, on the other hand there may be things we would rather forget. Tattoos may not be as permanent as they once were, with the removal techniques we have today, but the saying "think before you ink" does seem appropriate here.

There is virtually no limit to what women can have written on their bodies, from the poetic to the crass, but there is nothing like seeing it on others to help them decide if that is what they want. We can thank much photographed celebrities and their tattoos for that.

Source : Ezinearticles

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