Thursday, June 3, 2010

Five Basic Photography Techniques You Should Learn Before Taking Puppy Pictures

Taking puppy pictures is a common activity done by many. Although everyone knows how to take pictures, not all people have the talent for it. So before you go click-happy, consider learning the basics first. You will find the tips very important in your skills as a photographer.

Follow The Old Rules

Most of us take photography as an informal event. We spend less time arranging the setting, fixing our subjects, and adjusting the lighting. However, taking time to do all these things can help you come up with better pictures. The quality of the puppy photos will greatly improve if these old rules are used in taking pictures.

Years ago, people never had the chance to erase imperfect shots. Because digital cameras are a thing of the modern era, people weren't able to use such a great feature before. Today, experimenting shots could be very easy because of the many features you can use from the digital camera.

Get The Right Source Of Light

Over or under exposed puppy photos can greatly ruin a picture. Although the flash feature is available, you cannot use it all the time. At times, it is better to get some natural lighting or to stay away from it. For example, if you are taking puppy pictures on broad daylight, you need to keep the subjects under a shade so the picture will not be over exposed. If you are taking the puppy picture inside a dark room, you need to open the curtains and let some light in. Make sure that the light entering the camera is sufficient enough to provide your lighting needs.

Control Exposure

When using your digital cameras, you have to control the exposure by working with the available light. You also have to manually adjust the shutter speed for the puppy photos to look nice.

Take Action Or Motion Shots

Since you are taking pictures of puppies, it is essential to capture some action shots. You can use the tripod for proper balancing and you can use shutter speed to avoid blurred photos. And since we live in the modern age, ant-blur features are also available in most cameras today.

Learning To Take Night Time Images

Another basic thing to learn is taking night time images. Usually, digital cameras have features on them which can illuminate dark spots. There is the flash feature which sheds enough amount of light in a room, and there are some cameras which take the best night time shots by automatically adjusting itself to the night mode.

Source : Ezinearticles

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