Monday, May 17, 2010

Wedding Photography As a Wedding Gift Idea

Finding just the right wedding gift can be pretty difficult. You do not want to be the person who gets them the mooing cow gravy boat and gets mocked for it, but you do want to get them a gift that is meaningful and hopefully useful. Depending on what you are willing to spend and whether the bride and groom are receptive, one idea might be to pay for the wedding photographer. This has the benefit of taking some of the financial pressure off the bride and groom, and they will think of you fondly every time they look at the pictures.

If you are not quite willing to spring for a wedding photographer, pictures can still be a great gift. One fairly inexpensive gift would be to collect various pictures of the happy couple and make a history album out of them. For instance, you could alternate pictures of them as children, focus on the bride and then the groom, and then when you get to them as a couple you can start with pictures of them as a couple. For extra fun, you could even have a hypothetical and possibly humorous baby picture of them created from a picture of each.

Digital photography makes this particular idea even easier, because you will not have to sneak around as much to get the pictures, although you will probably have to resort to some mild espionage for the older pictures. Once you do, then all you have to do is have the pictures reproduced and arranged in an album. In fact, you can even take it beyond the lead up to wedding by recruiting the help of the wedding photographer and adding in pictures from the wedding. These days, this can be done within a few days of the wedding and can add a nice little coda to what was already a pretty good gift.

You could also take a video camera and film everyone's memories of the couple, both sweet and embarrassing alike. Use the handy software on your computer and then burn it a DVD. In fact, there is no reason you could not give the DVD's to everybody at the wedding, if you think that would be appropriate. And again, this is an area where the wedding photographer could certainly help out.

If you are not the modern technology sort, then there are still a lot of unique and awesome wedding gifts that you could get them. For instance, you could always get them a bottle of wine or scotch. Both wine and scotch, like a marriage, get better with age, so getting the couple a bottle or two that will not reach its peak for another ten years or so will symbolize that you believe that theirs is a marriage that will stand the test of time. That said, if neither of the couple drinks alcohol, it may not be an appropriate gift.

Regardless of whether your gift is a wedding photographer or an expensive bottle of wine, you always need to make sure that it reflects both the couple and your personality. If you do both, you will have the perfect gift.

Source : Ezinearticles

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