Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mastery of Skillful Photography Techniques

At one time, it was prerequisite to visit the jeweler's to pick out and place an order for all your high end jewelry needs. Even though there are those who still prefer this kind of shopping, a growing army of potential clients prefers to shop online for major purchases.

You may have visited websites that didn't have much eye appeal, or they may have been so poorly arranged that you had difficulty navigating to what you wanted to find. If so, you probably left the site with a mental note not to waste anymore of your time there.

It is even more frustrating for a shopper to come to an attractive website only to find the products represented poorly because the quality of the photography is lacking. High end jewelry does not sell if it doesn't give a lasting visual impression. Of course, it has to be dutifully presented as accurately as possible, too.

A skillful photographer always seeks to make every picture of high end jewelry transmit the best attributes of the item. Creativity is good within the bounds of what is true about an article. Anything that adds false or misleading qualities to the jewelry should be avoided.

For instance, the old ploy of toothpaste commercials where the individual has a sparkle when they smile is a rather obvious fake. How many people have sparkling teeth? Gems should sparkle naturally by the proper introduction of lighting but never from retouching of the photograph.

Simplistic is always best when representing a singular item in a photograph. The fewer props used, the better it is for the interested party who chances to view the photo. An unobtrusive background is usually the only addition that needs inclusion.

Sometimes it is better to have no background at all. If the jewelry is displayed on a website, it makes perfect sense to have a transparent background. This presents the jewelry frankly and disallows the viewer to imagine anything other than the subject at hand.

For the serious jewelry photographer, it is essential to have a convenient and dedicated area to make photographs. The area doesn't have to be large, but it should be in an out-of-the-way space where a photo shoot can be set up quickly. A small room for just this purpose is a pleasant luxury you might want to acquire.

Never skimp on artificial lighting because it makes for success or failure in capturing an image. The use of incandescent bulbs should be avoided because of their inflection of false hues. Incandescent or halogen lights make for the truest presentation of color.

One item that the majority of photographers omit is procuring the opinion of others. True, it is asking to be scrutinized, but it can be instrumental in illuminating shortcomings or bad habits. These opinions are best gathered from several people to get the best results.

Photographing high end jewelry is a challenge for any photographer. It can be both rewarding and satisfying with a good attitude and commitment to excellence.

Source : Ezinearticles

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