Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unique Sun Tattoo Design Options Are Available

I'm not sure what it is about the sun tattoo design that draws so many to it. I'm sure that it must be some primal need that humans have to relate to this source of energy and life. This common desire to have a sun tattoo does have its down side, however. The drawback is just that. They are found everywhere, and finding a unique, one-of-a-kind design takes a bit of exploration and thought. Individuality dictates that we strive to find a unique tattoo that says something to us, while at the same time saying something about us. And, settling for something commonplace, something mundane.

Some will say that there is nothing worse than settling for a sun tattoo design that comes from a catalog of tattoos, this seems a bit harsh to me. There are those that will not care that they are limiting their choices, or that there may be any number of untold millions, OK, maybe not that many, but I am allowed a certain amount of artistic license here, aren't I? They reason that they will never show it others and that the likelihood of seeing anothers sun tattoo design is pretty unlikely. And yet, isn't the whole idea to be as original as possible? Somehow just slapping something on that is going to with you until the grave seems somehow inappropriate for this great art form.

Assuming that you subscribe to the belief that finding and wearing a unique sun tattoo design is to be valued, what steps should you take to maximize your chances of getting something unique to you, and, equally important, what are some of the things that you should avoid in your quest for tattoo nirvana. You didn't know there was going to be a quiz did you?

Remember the 1960's movie "Mrs. Robinson" with Dustin Hoffman. In this movie, Dustin's character was given one piece of advice upon his graduation, "plastics". My one word of advice to those of you seeking the ultimate in sun tattoo designs is "forums". That's right, forums. The whole idea behind forums is to build community, to talk to one another and to share experiences and art and favorite parlors. There are few better ways to get good input when searching for just the right art.

As you are already internet savvy, proven by the very fact that you are reading this, you are probably a bit mystified that I didn't suggest using Google or Yahoo, or one of the myriad other minor search engines that abound on the internet. The reason is really quite simple. Most people enter in only the most generic search terms and get back only the most generic search results which leads to finding the same tattoo art over and over again. Not the way to go about finding unique sun tattoo designs. This method helps you to find a large number, in the millions, of sites that are all so similar to one another as to leave one stupified with the lack of originality.

Source : ezinearticles

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