Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Planning a Superman Party That is Out of This World!

A lot of people will agree that Superman is the super hero of all the super heroes kryptonite aside. If your kid is in love with Superman, it is natural that he or she would want to have a Superman themed party. In other to successfully host a pleasantly unforgettable Superman themed party, you need to plan ahead, here are some pointers to help you plan and put together a cool party.


Here are two invitation ideas you could use:

i. You can use a clip art of the famous Superman logo which of course is the big S on Superman's chest. You can make a note invitation card using the logo as the cover, then place the party details inside. In order to give it some dramatic effect, you can attach a red fabric to the back of the invite indicating a cape.

ii. If you can make invitation cards that look a lot like a Superman comic. The front of the invitation card can look like the cover of the comic, and the inside will have comic boxes that will be used to show the party details.

Decoration Tips

Whether you are choosing to use a Superman themed party supplies or just basic colours, ensuring that you personalize the party decor in order to suit you personal taste and style will sure take some effort.

Superman colours are blue, yellow and red art. If you are buying crepe, balloons or streamers, make sure that you get a mix of these three colours.

The adventures of Superman take place in a Metropolis. You can create a city skyline using cardboard or poster board.

You can also create or rent a faux phone booth and add it to the party area it will represent Clark Kent's changing room.

If you really want a dramatic effect to the Superman theme party, you can build Superman's lair. You can achieve this look using Styrofoam and shape them into icicles and icebergs in order to simulate this wonderful super hero's arctic lair. You can check out Superman movies for references.

Fun Activities

Save the day you can encourage invited to dress up like their favourite super heroes or villains. Create scenerios for superheroes to save the day.

Super hero dance contest

Movie marathon this is a great idea for birthday party sleepovers younger children can watch the Superman animated series.

Every kiddie theme party is not complete without a pinata a Superman pinata is just great!

Source : ezinearticles

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