Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to Design a Lapel Pin

Designing a lapel pin for your own needs and uses can be a very exciting project. Many people have a general idea of what they want their lapel pin for (fundraiser, social gathering, business meeting, conference or trade show) but they're not exactly sure what they want the lapel pins to look like, or how to begin designing one for that matter.

If you don't have the time or creative liberty to design your own lapel pin, don't worry; many custom pin manufactures will actually design your pin for you (most of the time free of charge with an order). If you're like me and like to have control over things, you prefer to design, or at least begin the design, of your lapel pins yourself.

Ok, let's begin, shall we?

Assuming you already have a purpose for a lapel pin, we'll begin by identifying key points in the design of your lapel pin. Let's begin by determining the colors you'll use. For a company/corporate or logo lapel pin, most of the time you're going to want to stick to your company's color scheme. If you can, make sure to look up the corresponding Pantone colors so that you can provide these to the design company. You'll also want to choose your metal plating in this phase. Some options include 14K gold, Silver or Brass depending on your personal preference.

After your colors are selected, begin to outline a sketch of the composition of your pin design. Will the lapel pin be a circle, or, a square perhaps? Maybe you want your lapel pin shaped like your logo with no solid background - that's entirely possible!

Figure out if you want to include other elements aside from just your corporate logo. Maybe a slogan or byline and something to signify your company's direction or goals. A visual symbol that tells people what you're about, or something that communicates a theme for an event or tradeshow. For example say your company is holding a conference in Las Vegas, maybe displaying the well-known "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign on your pin design would be an idea. Maybe an image of a full-house hand of cards, or a slot machine. Something that communicates your ideal or goals. Remember, lapel pins are a very powerful communication device, and even though they're small they can speak your company's ideals to people just walking by you who see the pin on your tie, shirt collar or lapel.

Creative Ideas to Communicate Your Company Message
Sometimes a simple logo pin will suffice, but what about if you want to get across a message without including a bunch of small wording on your pins that nobody will be able to read?

Source : ezinearticles

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