Friday, August 6, 2010

Hallway Designing

The purpose of a hallway is totally different from that of other rooms of the house. It is used to connect two rooms of a house. While you spend time in most of the other rooms, very less time is spent in the hallways. All the hustle and bustle of a house is always in the living room, bedroom or the kitchens but there is hardly any time you spend in the hallways comparatively.

Due to this the hallway gets an eerie characteristic making people uncomfortable while passing through it, especially at night. This becomes more prominent if the hallway is not designed properly. Hallways go unnoticed during the planning of the house. Designing it in an interesting way would make a world of difference. You do not need to spend a fortune on expensive paintings and wall decors; you only need to pay it some attention and do some basic changes to it and that would add a lot of change to its appearance. If you can afford paintings, they are always a great choice. If you cannot afford them, you can put up some of your family's laminated photographs there.

If you want to do something different with your hallways, you can ask your children to do some graffiti under your supervision. You can make some handmade greeting cards or some cross-stitching patterns on a cloth, laminate them and stick them on the wall. You could paint the roof of the hallway with radium paint so that whenever one traverses through it at night he would be greeted with an amazing view. And as using furniture in the hallways would serve no purpose and in addition become a hindrance in walking, you can place a small table with a flower vase at the other end of the hallway giving the hallway an elegant look.

Lighting in a hallway is a very essential aspect and should be taken care of. You could use motion detecting lights close to the floor to give it a very modern and gizmo look to it. If not you could plan the hallway in such a way that it faces a room or window from which light can seep into it. As much as possible it is advised to use natural light to light up the hallways. Having a transparent or translucent ceiling in the hallways is not always possible for all, but one could always have a hole in the ceiling of the hallway to allow some light to enter into it.

Source : ezinearticles

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