Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Autographed Movie Posters As Art

Movie posters have a tough job, especially in the days of past. When television wasn't as popular as it is now, people would have to be enticed into going to see a movie based solely on the poster which is created for it. The movie poster had to have a hook which made people interested in the film as well as looking smooth, stylish, and sleek. This was a lot of responsibility for a movie poster. A little slack has been given to movie posters of today as now anyone can watch a trailer of an upcoming film to get a better idea of what any given film will be about, even though a first impression of a film still often comes from a movie poster. Waiting in the lobby of a theater, one will see an interesting movie poster and keep the title in mind to watch the trailers of.

As a result, a great deal of work has often been put into these movie posters, making them great pieces of art. They can capture the entire mood of a movie very quickly, sinking their hooks into people who look at them. They can be intriguing, funny, scary, beautiful, or sexy, maybe more all at the same time. For this reason, movie posters can be quite popular with collectors.

Movie aficionados will often collect posters of their favorite movies for their collections, adorning their walls with some of the most clever images that have ever been used in marketing. Some of these movie posters have turned into works of art in themselves, getting a person interested in a movie as well as grabbing their attention and holding it on the images which were used. These posters can be a great example to hang on the walls in a way that will make a person feel more comfortable in their space, surrounded by something that they love.

Some movie posters will also have value associated with them. If a person is able to get their movie posters autographed, those signatures can make the poster be worth a bit of money. It will establish the poster as something worth value because it is different than any other copies of that poster which exist and it is something very rare. The more rare that an item is, the more money that it will be worth. The more signatures on the poster from the stars or director of the film, the better as well, for this will further distinguish it as something unlike any other movie poster of its type in the world.

With a combination of the beautiful art of the movie poster and the clever way it presents the images, these movie posters make a great addition to anyone's home as decoration. The amount of money they could be worth is only an addition to their value. By picking a form of decoration that delights the person and makes them feel more at home, surrounded by a constant reminder of something which they loved, movie posters make a great choice for the collection of autographed art.

Source : ezinearticles

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