Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Art of Making Candles Using Crayons

The art of candle making has been around for years and numerous people still enjoy it as a favorite past time today. However, when you think of traditional candle making, did you ever consider the fact that you can create beautiful candles utilizing crayons? You will need to modify your directions a bit when using crayons, but the benefits of creating candles from crayons will be obvious once you realize how much money you are able to save over utilizing traditional methods.


Before you begin creating design candles using crayons, you will first need to become familiar with the items you will need. The short list of materials required are: a double boiler, one wax carton, one pound of paraffin wax, four or five crayons, two trays of ice cubes and one piece of white packaging string.


Begin by taking your wax carton and cutting off the top portion of it, leaving enough to be approximately six inches tall. Place your double boiler over medium heat and begin melting the candle wax, being cautious not to allow the wax to boil, as this will create unusable wax due to the bubbles and possible burning. As the wax is melting, cut a six inch length of the packaging string.

After approximately fifteen minutes the wax should be completely melted and it is now time to add your crayons. Be sure when choosing your crayons that you pick colors that complement each other as the melting will cause the colors to mix, creating new and sometimes exciting colors. You will also want to be sure that the colors you have chosen reflect your personal tastes.

After the crayons have melted completely, pick up your length of packaging string with a set of tongs and dip it into the melted wax, ensuring that the entire length has a good wax coating on it. Now take the wax coated string and place it into the center of the wax carton and fill the carton with ice cubes. Carefully pour the melted wax into the wax carton over the ice cubes.

It will take approximately half an hour for the wax to begin cooling, but it is necessary to allow the wax to cool for a few more hours to give the ice cubes a chance to melt almost completely. Now, drain the excess water from the carton by carefully pouring it out then peel the wax away from the carton. Place your finished candle on a plate that can accommodate any remaining water that may be left over from the still melting ice.

Once the ice has completely melted and the excess water has dried, it is time to enjoy the ambiance that your personalized "crayon" candle can offer. Now that you know how to make candles by using a few simple crayons, you can add your own personal flare to any room of your home, and knowing you created the ambiance with your own two hands will make it that much more rewarding!

Source : Ezinearticles

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