Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Futurism Art Represents the Machine Age

If you do vast study in the sphere of modern and contemporary art and literature, you will definitely find that the impact of the futurism art is massive and in 1909, futurist art work became enriched and heightened to its climax of elegance. In 1909, an Italian artist named Filipo Tommaso Marinetti explained vividly about the Futurism philosophy in his article Manifesto of Futurism. Futurism is an artistic revolution which opposes the conventional painting and the importance of institutional force.

The futurist artists deny the significant role of the churches, shrines, education and religious dogmas in the society. It invites the ultra modern world which is based on the strong platform of technological upgradation, speed, dynamism and the velocity. We will all live in machine age and we will have no educational training to update our knowledge bank. They believe in the ultramodern and highly sophisticated lifestyle which will be more mechanical and dynamic in nature. This 20th century artistic revolution left huge impression on the then artistic guild or association to show their tendency to accept the futurism philosophy.

However, as it supports violence, vandalism and the destruction of moral high ground, it is also known to be fascist. In the meantime, there were few Russian Futuristic artists who emulated the Futurism art due to its strong inclination towards the speed and dynamism in life. They supported the philosophical viewpoints of Futurism and they also mocked the conventional art through their several paintings. However, on the other hand, the Futurism artists have also followed the principles of Cubism.

Especially, the Cubism art has utilized the modern technique to bring the modification to the pattern of design and art. Cuban art represents the fragmentation of art which can be viewed in different ways. The Cuban artists prefer the usage of newspapers, matchbox and other wastage materials to paint the picture. Kazimir Malevich has punched the Cuban concept in his created Futurist paintings.

The superimposition is the feature of Cuban art and Kazimir imitated the Cuban art in painting the picture. You should keep in mind that Marinetti established the Futurist Political Party in the year of 1918 and later this party was recognized to be National fascist Part of Benito Mussolini. To be frank, the Futurism has smoothed the easy entry of the movies and cinemas into the commercial world. In this connection the role of Neo-Futurism is also important to form a new opera and theater. To end, the influence of Pablo Picasso and Cezanne on the Futurism art can't be denied.

Source : Ezinearticles

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